AMA provides most suitable designs for bridges and drainage structural facilities demanded by our clients. We offer services in design and supervision of construction of various forms of steel and concrete services over roads, railways and water ways as an in-house service.
The engineers in this section have successfully completed the design and construction supervision of a wide range of bridges.
The cumulative years of experience of the four key engineers in this department are over 80yrs.
Water and Irrigation
This section deals with planning, feasibility studies, design, construction supervision and maintenance of among others: flood mitigation, dams, water distribution, canals, sewerage, storm water drainage, irrigation systems, water resources management and environmental aspects of water management. With increasing demand for water and food, the proper and efficient use of water resources becomes more important each day. The appropriate cycle of water in the environment and the ecosystem is as important as taking water from its resource and carrying it until the point of use. AMA uses the best engineering practices in the design and implementation of dams and water and irrigation systems.
The professionals in this department have over 80 years of cumulative experience.